What are dram shop laws and cases?

On Behalf of Rosenberg, Eisenberg & Associates, LLC | March 9, 2023 | Dram Shop Cases

A dram shop includes any business, such as a bar, restaurant, tavern, or commercial establishment, that serves alcoholic beverages to the public. Dram shop laws are common in the country but vary considerably in given areas. 

Illinois dram shop laws, Liquor Control Act, provide legal redress to injured persons when they are injured by a person who was served too much alcohol by the business. Simply put, the dram shop's liability rests with the business and building owner that sold the liquor that caused the intoxication and injury. 

Illinois' dram shop laws do not require that the vendor have reason to know that the patron was intoxicated beforehand. It allows the plaintiff to recover from multiple businesses, which is a greater chance they will receive full compensation for their injuries. 

When the Illinois Dramshop Act is invoked, it can be proven that:

  • The vendor sold alcohol to the individual who caused the injury

  • The patron or a third party did suffer an injury

  • The vendor's sale of alcohol caused the patron's intoxication

  • The intoxication was a contributing factor in the accident or injury

Our attorneys have handled many dram shop cases over the years. We understand this nuanced area of law and can help you hold all responsible parties accountable for their actions and provide personalized advice on how best to move forward.


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